I cruised up to Iao Valley the other day with camera in hand. The weather has been rainy and overcast all over the island lately, so I figured since Iao Valley is usually covered in clouds anyway, I wouldn't miss the sun as much.
I remember visiting
Guilin, China years ago and each time I go to Iao I'm reminded of how similar it looks.
Iao Needle enshrouded in clouds.

Another aspect I notice about Iao is the fact that every time I'm there, I always run into couples who seem quite enamored with each other. I mean recently married or about to wed, not the kinds of couples who walk around 50 feet apart.
Take this couple from Korea for instance. I didn't even ask for the shakas.
OK, this pair was separated by about 8 feet of asphalt.
It's ironic that Iao Valley was the site of one of the bloodiest battles in Hawaiian history -
The Battle of Kepaniwai. That stream you see there was supposedly colored red from all the blood.
That Korean couple wasn't giving you the shaka, they were pretending to talk on their cell phones!